Thursday, May 10, 2012

for my mama...

With Mothers Day approaching I was out looking for a card for my mom. I HATE buying cards. First of all, a lot of them were like $5.00 now. What?! Ridiculous. Anyways, it got me thinking about my own mom and the kind of mom that I hope my kids will think of me as. Anyone who knows my mom knows that she is the sweetest, most kind-hearted person you will ever meet. Little Debbie. She has a heart of gold, really. And that is the kind of person she has always expected us to be. One thing I always remember her saying is, "Be loving and kind." Along with, "Do you have your toothbrush?" Not only were we to be kind to others but we needed to have clean teeth. :)
She loves to shop (no look is complete without matching jewelry),  she has more shoes than I will ever own, she loves Starbucks and traveling. But more importantly, she always puts others first, is respectful, and has set a wonderful example to my sisters and me.

She is the absolute best mom I could ever ask for (I'm sure everyone says that, but for real...) and is the most wonderful grandma to my nephew Lincoln. I know my kids will grow up adoring her. I hope that one day, when my kids are grown, they look at me with the same respect that I feel for my mom. 
Happy Mothers Day Mama!

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