Monday, December 10, 2012

5 months

As of yesterday, Braxxton is 5 months old already! He is still a really good eater and has now started cereal and seems to like that also. He drools soooo much and is constantly chewing on his fingers, trying to fit all 10 in there at once. He now rolls both ways and turns himself around if he sees something he wants. Some of his favorite things are baths, reading books, watching Champ and giggling at him, and chewing on everything. He still sleeps really well at night, but not so much during the day. He is still in size 2 diapers (but mostly cloth) and 3-6 month clothes. He is such a laid back and happy boy! We have been so blessed by this sweet boy.

hanging out with Grandma

first time eating cereal

trying to get all 3 of these boys to look at the camera was impossible, but I love it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Days 14, 15, 16

Day 14 - nap time :)

Day 15 - a husband who is "handy". He is currently building some shelves for Braxxton's toys/books and I can't wait!

Day 16 - pajama friday at daycare! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13

Day 13 - free shipping :) I have become a mostly online shopper these days but will only if there is free shipping, which I can usually find somewhere.

Braxxton is 4 months!

Braxxton loves to smile and giggle, sit in his bumbo, and see everything. He now rolls over from his back to his tummy and anytime you put him on his back he pretty much rolls over right away. He sleeps through the night most nights or will just get up once to eat and go right back to sleep. Except for the last week, he's been waking up a lot.. He is such a laid back baby and so happy! He loves to read books, chew on his hands or anything else he can reach, drool, and have "airplane rides." He wears size 2 diapers now (but mostly cloth) and 3-6 month clothes.
At his 4 month appointment he weighed 16 lbs. 12 oz. (84th percentile) and was 27 inches long (97th percentile) so he is doing good!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 12

Day 12 - our church. I love the music and the pastor. I feel like I can take something away from each of his messages to use in my everyday life and he keeps it entertaining as well. There are soooo many young couples and babies (I swear there are at least 2 baptisms a week), so I feel like it's a great place for Braxxton to grow up in.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Days 9, 10 & 11

Day 9 - the health of myself, Braxxton, and the rest of my family. We have been pretty blessed.

Day 10 - music. I have always loved music. No matter what mood I'm in, there is something that makes it better.

Day 11 - all the veterans (and their families) of this country we live in and the holidays, birthdays, and just all the ordinary things they miss out on with their families to defend our freedom.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Days 7 & 8

Day 7 - my grandparents - Not many people can say that they have 3 of their 4 grandparents still with them, but I can. I have been very blessed to grow up nearby them and still get to see them often. They are all wonderful examples and I'm proud to have them as my grandparents. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my grandpa, but I have so many great memories of him.

Day 8 - my crockpot - Without this thing lately we would probably not eat supper. :) I don't really like cooking anyways, but this way we can actually eat something healthy before 8:00 and I feel like I don't have to do anything. And then you get a crock pot liner and you don't even have to wash the thing. Talk about lazy. :)